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Wednesday 13 March 2024

How Akungba Jumia Pickup Station Started

By Daniel Akinte

Shehu Musa, the Akoko Jumia branch manager, embarked on a journey in May 2021 with the goal of ushering Akungba-Akoko, a community in Ondo State, Nigeria, into the digital age by establishing a Jumia pickup station to benefit this community.

For Shehu, a native of Akungba-Akoko, the driving force behind this initiative was the desire to educate people, especially the local community, about the advantages of online shopping.

"I have been with Jumia for three years, starting from Abuja. As an indigene of the Akoko community, I noticed many people here complained about their orders coming only from Akure, often resulting in lost items or difficulties with returns."

Determined to address this issue, Shehu reached out to his supervisors in Lagos. "When I proposed the idea of a Jumia pickup station in Akungba-Akoko, some of my bosses questioned the need, but I assured them of our community's potential, with the presence of a university and a significant student population already familiar with Jumia. Eventually, my proposal was approved," he recalled.

The journey began with distributing flyers across the community to raise awareness. "After getting a location, we settled on a spot not far from the school and within reach of the local population along Adefarati Road, Akungba," Shehu said.

He clarified that his intention was not to limit Jumia pickup stations to Akungba-Akoko alone but to expand to other areas in Akoko, such as Ikare, and other underserved communities in Ondo State.

Shehu also addressed misconceptions about Jumia, emphasizing that it is more than just an online platform. He took every opportunity to educate customers about the organisation.

"Many people perceive Jumia as solely an online business, leading to misunderstandings and even scams. For instance, I encountered a customer who was scammed by an online vendor on Facebook. I explained that transactions through the Jumia app are secure and reliable."

Despite facing challenges, such as network issues and unreliable power supply, Shehu remains unwavering. He has adapted to these obstacles, utilizing alternative networks and exploring solutions like solar power to sustain operations.

"While we encounter challenges with network connectivity and power supply, we manage by using different networks and exploring options like solar energy. Our commitment to serving the community drives us to overcome these hurdles," he explained.


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