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Adebayo Adewale |
Adebayo Adewale PKA DON is a
300 level student of the Department of Banking and Finance, and an aspirant for the post of the Student Union Government (SUG) financial secretary. In this interview with Emmanuel Peter, he talks about his mandates, opinion on godfatherism, and his passion for service.
Why are you running for the position of SUG 005 instead of other positions?
I prefer SUG 005 to other positions because I am a student of the Department of Banking and Finance, and I believe that is the best position suitable for me.
Do you currently hold any leadership position? If Yes, how is it preparing you for aspiring office?
I am not holding a political post for now, but I once served as an honourable representing my department at the faculty level, SOMMASA SRC. Considering my belief in representing the interest of the people, I later contested for the post of SUG SRC but I lost.
Why didn’t you lose hope after you lost the election?
I see defeats as a means of going higher.
Did you institute any change or move any motion when you were a member of the SRC at the faculty level?
I can’t remember if I truly moved a motion but I never allowed the interests of my noble department to be trampled on.
What are your campaign mandates for the position of SUG 005?
I believe in transparency, accountability, and accuracy
With my knowledge as a financial student, if am allowed to serve as the financial secretary of this noble citadel of learning, my priorities are: to give accurate documentation, account properly for the financial status of the union, be transparent to AAUAites at large.
Do you know that money entices? and it is very easy to spend?
Yes, you are right but I am not enticed by money. Although, we know we can’t all be faithful in that way but have always been putting in my best to avoid that, and God has been helping me.
How do you intend to document financial reports effectively when you get to the office?
I will work hand in hand with the treasurer and the bank to get accurate financial statements, as this will aid proper documentation.
How will you tackle some of the challenges faced by the SUG financial secretaries?
The time constraint in getting information required from the bank is one of the major challenges.
Also, at times errors occur through improper input of data.
To prevent this from affecting me, I will not give room for delay in the discharge of my duties to the Nigerian student.
If you were to advise the current financial secretary, what advice would you give?
My advice for him is to improve on his good works.
What are your thoughts on godfatherism in politics?
I disagree with godfatherism, and I don’t have time for that. I solely believe in doing the work and letting God crown my efforts with success. However, for those that believe in it, it’s left to them.
Come SUG 2020/2021 election, why should AAUAites vote for you?
AAUAites should vote for me because I want to serve.
What are your words to all AAUAites and fellow aspirants of the different SUG positions?
Aspirants should remember that we are vying for this post, not for our sake but to serve the Nigerian student and it is not a do-or-die affair.
Also, we should be ready to work as one, love one another, and improve the union. This is because every position is for a little time and not everlasting, hence, whatever you do now will speak for you in the nearest future. Remember, there is life outside the corners of AAUA
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