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Tuesday 17 September 2019


The sudden increment in the tuition fees of Adekunle Ajasin University, Akungba (AAUA) has brought more harm than good to both parents and students.

Students who ought to participate in Students’ Union elections are overtly absent, and this is due to the unfavourable policy adopted by the school management.

The student populace has been going through some unpleasant situations ranging from unpalatable living conditions in the hostels, insecurity, and lack of students welfare among a host of others. The introduction of the new policy of “No Payment, No Voting” by the school management has taken away the tiny ray of hope students have left.

The rule prohibits students who have not paid their tuition fees from participating in the annual Students’ Union election.  Also, it stops them from contesting for any post in the Students’ Union. This negates the lofty ideal of the institution which prides itself as the 21st Century University Properly Called!

Ironically, this millennium is particularly popular for its democratic nature. Former US President, Abraham Lincoln defined democracy as government of the people, by the people, for the people. In this case, it is government of the students, by the students, for the students. When this important function is missing in a democratic society, then what we have is a society that is ruled by autocracy.

According to the Britannica Encyclopedia, “voting gives people opportunity to have their say and, through expressing partisanship, to satisfy their need to feel a sense of belonging. Even non-voting satisfy the need of some people to express their alienation from the political community.”

However, in this case, it is the school management that has decided to alienate majority of the students from the political community of the institution.

A free and fair election can only be achieved where people are given equal chance of choosing their leaders. Apart from that, people should also be given equal right to contest for leadership positions, like a popular saying goes; variety is the spice of life. The act of choosing a leader is a critical issue and must be treated as such.

Countries and nations in the past have either been destroyed or exalted due to the leaders ruling them. Much power is conferred on a leader because “to whom much is given, much is required.” Therefore, elections must be conducted with appropriate fairness.

Considering the exorbitant tuition fees, it is no surprise that many students find it difficult paying their fees. Using the payment of tuition fees as prerequisite for exercising voting rights is unfair on the part of the students because sooner or later students will pay up their fees, it’s a condition that must be fulfilled. The infringement can only be termed as a deliberate act to rob students of their franchise.

Therefore, to live up to the standard set for itself as the 21st University Properly Called! the restriction placed on students’ voting right should be removed to allow students exercise their franchise and elect leaders who will take the institution to greater heights.

It must be noted that democracy is not government of the rich, by the rich, for the rich, but of the people, by the people, for the people, hence, every bona fide student should be allowed to take part in the forthcoming election.



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