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Thursday 9 February 2023

Mapayi charges students on leadership

Mr Mapayi speaking at the inauguration ceremony Photo credit: Peter Emmanuel 

By: Peter Emmanuel

The Principal Assistant Registrar, Students Affairs Division, Mapayi A.V. has charged Nigerian students of the need to develop their leadership skills while on campus.

Mapayi gave the advice at the 5th inauguration and swearing-in ceremony of Impact Leaders Club(ILC), Adekunle Ajasin University, Akungba-Akoko(AAUA) chapter held at the MBA quadrangle adjacent to the Intercontinental Hall. 

Mapayi opined that Nigeria is blessed with resources but bad leadership is making  her retrogressive among its counterparts.

Mr Mapayi presenting the new ILC president, Ambassador Ajayi certificate Photo credit: Peter Emmanuel 

He said, "Some countries that are doing well with great economies, infrastructure among others are not having half of what Nigeria has."

He added that leadership deals with sacrifices and a willingness to share ideas, noting that leaders must be ready and committed.

"Commitment matters a lot and signifies one is ready to serve; sometimes leaving one comfort zone," he said. 

Mapayi further stated that "to be a great leader one must have at the back of his/her mind greatness."


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