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Thursday 30 September 2021

AAUA Declares Oct 1st As Lecture Free Day

Clarion Oyeronke

The Vice-Chancellor of Adekunle Ajasin University, Akungba Akoko, Ondo State, Professor Ige Olugbenga has declared Friday, 1st of October, 2021 as ordered by the Federal Government of Nigeria as a lecture-free day for the students of the institution. 

This announcement was confirmed in an official statement signed by the school Registrar, Professor Olugbenga Arajulu where he disclosed that the management set Oct 1st as a special day both for staff and students to mark Nigeria's 61st Independence anniversary. 

The Vice-Chancellor in the release has directed that the University be closed for official duties with the only exemption of those on special duties.

He however stated that all official activities are to be resumed on Monday, 4th of October, 2021.

The Vice-Chancellor also commemorates Oct 1st with members of the University and wishes them Happy Independence Day Celebration! 

AAUA: Mass Communication's Victory, Our Purple is our Pride

Fear The Pen...

Friday Omosola 

The student's electoral committee (SUEC) of Adekunle Ajasin University, Akungba Akoko has announced Kolade Ogunsanmi Olumide (Multiple) as the president-elect of the students union government for the 2020/2021 academic session, having polled 886 votes to defeat his opponent Adinlewa Bisodun Joseph (Master B) who managed to score 863 votes. 

Declaring the winner at the information center technology (ICT) of the University, the SEC chairman, Dr. Aina Stephen said Kolade Ogunsanmi Olumide politically known as multiple having gathered the total highest votes number is hereby declared the winner for the election which was held on Tuesday 28th of September. 

Other elected executives were Salami Kemisola (Kemzy) as Vice President who polled 939 votes to defeated her opponent Olakunle Oluwadamilola Gladys (D.Gladys) who polled 806, Adeyefa Tolulope (Elite) emerged unopposed as the General secretary, Akinsulure Simbo clinched public relations officer (PRO) seat as unopposed, Adebayo Adewale (DON), also won the Financial secretary seat as unopposed.

Also, emerged winners were Abe Busuyi Ayoola, Treasurer u opposed, Odole Mojisola (Voice) Welfare Director unopposed while Okeke Patrick (Pattoski), Social Director polled 1150 votes to defeated his opponent Adebayo Korede(Cruzzy) with 554 votes and Jackson Oluwafemi (Jackson) emerged as the sports director after poling 929 votes to beat his opponent Olatunja Oluwafemi (Paul Zicco) who polled 797, Akinwalere Omoniyi (Neyol) clinched Assistant General secretary as he polled 872 votes to beat his opponent Ojo Isaac known as Apostle who gathered 853 votes.

 It could be recalled that the election had earlier been fixed to hold the second semester of the last session but witnessed several postponements due to some reasons.

The election was free and fair 

Shortly after the announcement of Kolade Olumide, politically known as Multiple as the newly elected students union presidents, the dean of students affairs, Chief security officers(CSO), lecturer from the department of mass communication, and students tagged the victory the people's choice and the process free and fair. 

Speaking after the announcement, the dean of students affairs, Professor Segun Akanbi noted that the election was free and fair.

"We have seen that the election was free and fair, despite all the hitches, but we were able to achieve our aims with the help of God. What led to the hitches experienced was not from the voter's side non-management but hoodlums who wanted to cause trouble, because those that were on the ground to vote are more than actual numbers we accredited".

He, however, debunked the rumor flying around that the election was rigged in favor of some candidates who were tagged the management choice.

"If I will still be the dean of students affairs, come next election, I will prefer to go by faculty by faculty and once particular faculty have cast their vote and their time elapsed, they will not be given a chance to exercise their franchise again", said the dean.

Also, he added that the management was not aware of thugs who deprived some faculties and departments like Social and management sciences  

Furthermore, he urged the students to always remain calm in life and be responsible as an undergraduate, as their irresponsible displays led to injuring some students while some fainted along the process. 

Addressing the issues of no ambulance on the ground to convey the wonder and fainted students, he said, "The chairman students union electoral committee wrote a letter to the school health center to request for ambulances but due to some issues, the ambulances were replaced with Hilux at the later hour which will be addressed in the next election".

He added that the management was not aware of the thug's accusation claiming to have deprived students from the faculty of social and management sciences, faculty of law, and department of mass communication of exercising their franchises. 

" We are inside the information technology center (ICT) and we do not know what is going on outside but am assuring you that those students who are involved in the act of thuggery and impersonation are going to be restricted"

The chief security officer, Mr. Oluseye Alademomi Peter blamed the planning of the election which allowed the students to vomit troubles in the ground control aspect. 

"The election was free and fair but not without drawbacks which led to the starting and finishing late, but we were able to overcome and in the next election, we are going to improve on the preparation".

We broke the jinx - Mass Communication Lecturer 

Mr. Toyin Adinlewa, a lecturer from the department of mass communication expressed happiness about seeing a student from the department emerging as president for the first time in history. 

"I was very happy when the news of 'we won' hit the airwave because they were not successful in rigging the election. The only time this department had produced students union executives (SU) was in the 2016/2017 set where we have the Senate president, chief judges, and others.

We have contested for more than four times and the victory was not by our side but this time, God gave us the victory, and the curse was broken".

He also noted that what made the difference and paved the way for the victory was how the head of the department (HOD), lecturers, and stakeholders addressed the issues by mobilizing students for the election.

"Lecturers have not been participating in the election but this time around, we took the candidate to all the departmental heads and students campaigning and demanding for their total support and votes to help us claim the mandate. When the election was going on, we were around calling our students to come out en masse to vote including those under our project supervision. But we thank God we won despite denying our students to vote".

Adinlewa added that the success was a plus for the department and will also serve as a training ground for the students of the department in practical aspect by covering events organized by the union, 

He advised the newly elected president not to sideline the department and endeavor to give all necessary attention and remembered where his origin was.

Also reacting to the victory during his Mass Communication and society (MAC 305) class held at the department relaxation center (MRC), Dr. Lamidi Ishola, the chairman, Ondo state Nigerian institute of public relations and lecturer of mass communication department described the victory as a liberation for the department and a chance to always remain the best department on campus.

"After four trials, the department finally broke the jinx through Kolade Olumide known as multiple. I am quite sure that he will deliver, make the department proud, and leave a good legacy for others who will be contesting after him".

Students reactions...

Some of the students who spoke after the election confessed the election was peaceful, free, fair, and transparent but faulted the organized aspect.

Seyifunmi Francis Adeosun, a 300 level student from the department of law said the students union electoral committee should have made proper preparation to curb the struggle for votes that dominate the election. 

"We normally had GST examinations in this institution, not the first nor second times and it was not jam-packed like this, therefore, I would say there was no adequate preparation for the election because they should have made everybody be on a single line".

Ayodele Johnson affirmed that the election was fair to all participants but not free to voters who had to struggle before gaining access to CBT to cast their vote.

He urged the SEC and management to ensure the next election experience a new development in the area of planning. 

Other students who spoke with this reporter said the election was one of the best he has ever witnessed in recent times and applauded the students for turning up to vote for their preferred candidates.

“No one could say the Multiple will be the winner even 20 minutes to the end of the election but things flipped after 10 minutes.”

Tuesday 28 September 2021

AAUA Students, DSA, CSO React To SUG Election

By Esther Oguntuase and Clarion Oyeronke

The students of  Adekunle Ajasin University Akungba Akoko trooped out in masses to exercise their democratic right at the school's CBT center today, in a bid to vote the candidates of their choice into the SUG offices. 

The election started at 9AM and ended at 6 pm. The criteria for voting were; using the school I.D card, course registration form, or school fee payment receipt. Also, students who had paid for the last semester were eligible voters for the election.

The aspirant from the Purple, and power of the pen department, Mass Communication's contestant, Kolade Ogunsanmi who is popularly known as Multiple emerged as the new President of the Students Union Government after he polled 886 votes to defeat his rival, Bisodun Adinlewa who registered 863 votes.

According to reports gathered, most students seek improvement in the conduct of the election process, which will further aid a free and fair election without any issue arising. 

The Dean of Students Affairs, Prof Olusegun Akanbi called on the students of the school to always learn to remain calm in situations emanating from elections. 

The Prof revealed that a little few issues were halting the process of the election at first. He added that the situation on the ground needed to be well controlled which is what they eventually did.

The Chief Security officer of the school, Mr. Ogunseye Alademo also commented on the need for students to always exercise patience in every of their endeavors in life. 

The CSO advised that students as undergraduate knows the do's and don't of the election with every rule guiding it.  

He however added that the election was peaceful, fair, and balanced. 

However, some students in the school in an interview revealed that some actions need to be taken when conducting an election in the school to help alleviate political apathy, political resentment, and any sort of violent act that might arise in the future.

A law student in the school, Akinwulure Semilore stated that he was not impressed with the way the election was conducted. 

"I think that we can be better than this. I've been here since morning and some people have been fighting. There is poor arrangement and organization."

Deborah Oluwabunmi, a 200l student of linguistics and Yoruba revealed that she had an issue while generating her PIN. "I got a PIN after a fervent prayer." She said. 

Sumisola Ruth, a 200l student of Linguistics and Yoruba said that she was not pleased with the conduct of the election. 

A 400l student from the Mass Communication Department, who is currently the Editor-in-Chief of Echo Media AAUA, Roland Bayode monitored the election process and revealed that the election was free and fairly conducted in the best interest of the school as well as for the students. 

He disclosed in an interview that there were issues at some time, but that some staff in the school were right on point to use the experience to handle the whole thing. 

He said, "I have served as an election observer for State Election in Nigeria, this I must say is another dimension from which I learnt something. The students were just too different, in their style, agitations, and participation."

The Echo Media Editor also commend the effort of the school management, especially the DSA who stood on the ground moving around to ensure safety and peaceful election. "I'm sure it was not an easy task for the DSA to deal with, but beyond words, his synergy and that of Dr. Shade Ade Johnson who came to handle the pressure when the boat was sinking off makes the difference."

Roland has however condemned the rate at which students disseminate unverified information as one of what constitutes drama at the election ground. 

He said, "Misinformation is a great threat to every peaceful society even in tertiary institutions. I noticed some students who have not even voted or entered the voting center were on the election ground ranting and giving false information about the election process. People said a lot, which from my observations, most of those assertions were nothing but a load of baloney. I will only suggest and advise that students of the school should take note of every information they give on issues. There was a high tension on the ground because misinformation aggravated them the most."

Lolade Aderibigbe emphasized that technology has made things easier and that the school should deploy the use of technology in handling further elections.

"There are many ways of getting things done, I was hit and wounded in the crowd which is not right or fair on us. We want a better system that will take out all the stress we are passing through to exercise our votes." 

Oyindamola Olatunde, a 400l student of Economics stated that she was standing for hours and had not been able to vote. "They were just pushing us back while we were just waiting for our turn to vote."

Another student, Opeyemi Onanuga explained that the place was jam-packed with many people which said is wrong. She suggested that using the Obasanjo Multi-Purpose Hall would have alleviated the crisis that occurred.

Friday 24 September 2021

AAUA-NUCJ Set To Hold Electoral Debate

Friday Omosola

Following the announcement of the date for the Students Union election for the 2020/2021 academic session, the Nigerian Union of campus journalists (NUCJ) of Adekunle Ajasin University, Akungba Akoko has announced a date for the Union election debate among the aspirants. 

According to the release to the university environment, the event will be held on the 27th of September, 2021 at the Olusegun Obasanjo Multipurpose hall(OBJ) at exactly 9 AM prompt.

The event is expected to have in attendance all the aspirants for all the respective positions to throw to the entire student populace their manifestos as well as answering questions from students. 

However, the union on the 23rd of this month launched a platform for students who have one or two questions to drop ahead of the scheduled date.

Recall that after several agitations and postponements of the election, the management has announced the 28th, of September for the election.

On the 9th of September, the Student Union Electoral Committee (SEC) announced the date for the conduction of the Students Union Government (SUG) election, in a statement made known in a circular released to the university community, signed by the SEC chairman, Dr. Stephen Aina.

The circular release also disclosed how the electoral process will hold.

On Monday 27th of September 2021 was the Debate among the aspirants at Old RC starting from 9 am till 12 pm, on the same day was the manifesto at the Matriculation Ground by 12 pm-4 pm. In the same vein, Tuesday 28th September was the election and Announcement of Results at Heritage Building by 9 to 3 pm, Wednesday 28th September 2021, filling of Electoral Petitions (if any) at the Student Affairs Office at 9 am-3 pm.

More so on Thursday 29th, September was the Hearing of Electoral Petition at the moot Court started from 10 am to 4 pm, and before 6th October was the swearing-in-Ceremony/ Handing over at Obasanjo Multi-purpose Hall by 11 am.

However,  research and findings revealed that this was not the first time SSEC is announcing a date for the conduct of the election and postponed it indefinitely for no iota of excuse, making the entire students of the institution and candidates keep wondering and waiting if it will be postponed this time around.

Recall that ECHO MEDIA, reported on June eleven 2021, that the management had announced June 16th as the date for the election which was made known in a release signed by the SEC Chairman, Dr. Stephen Aina, contradicting the early gathered information by Echo Media that June 23rd was the early approved date for the election but other national functions made the committee settle for a new date.

The paper read, "Ahead of the Students' Union Election of Adekunle Ajasin University, AKungba-Akoko, the Electoral Committee has declared June 16 as the date for the election. The statement was made known in a statement signed by the SEC Chairman, Dr. Stephen Aina, today".

The SEC, having met with the aspirants on Saturday to discuss the modalities for the election announced the date and lifted the ban on electoral campaigns.

The statement reads, "We bring to your notice after the meeting of the SEC members led by the ever indefatigable Chairman Dr. S.I Aina on the lifting of the ban of the forthcoming Student Union Government Elections, coming Up Wednesday 16th of June 2021". 

"Aspirants can now start rolling out their campaigns with full force as they await the purchase of their nomination forms."


In the same vein on June twelve, a day after the report of the fixed date for the election, the management in his circular from the Dean of Student Affairs to the Chairman of SEC, with Ref. No.AAUA/SUEC/029, dated 11th June 2021 announced the postponement of the election indefinitely.

The circular was disclosed in an internal memorandum signed by the Principal Assistant Registrar, Student Affairs Charlz OLUSA for the Dean of Student Affairs.

According to the memorandum, the 2020/2021 Student Union Elections have been postponed till after the conclusion of examinations for the Second Semester, 2019/2020 Session.

Also, it was stated in the memorandum that  “The postponement is premised on the fact that the date for the Student Union Elections coincides with the schedule for the Unified Tertiary Institutions Matriculation Examinations (UTME).”

Wednesday 22 September 2021

AAUA Luminaries Are Set For Victory in Semi-final Return

Abraham Isaac 

The football team of Adekunle Ajasin University, Akungba-Akoko, Luminaries are optimistic to defeat the University of Nigeria's Lions in the Higher Institution Football League semi-final return leg.

The first leg of the encounter ended 1 all in UNN sports complex, Nsukka, Enugu State on 15th, September 2021.

Akinlosotu Ayomide and Chinegwu Obinna scored for AAUA Luminaries and UNN Lions respectively in the first leg. 

The return leg is expected to be played in the AAUA sports complex, Akungba-Akoko tomorrow.

The must-win game for either of the two university football teams will one qualify for the HIFL final, and face either UNIMAID Desert Warriors or FUTMINNA transformers.

In an interview with Luminaries' goal scorer in the HIFL semi-final 1st leg, Ayomide Akinlosotu, he hoped for another chance to score.

He said,  "Of course I am very hyped up for the coming match and I believe I can score again because the first goal has given me all the confidence needed. 

The game on Wednesday will be the most difficult and decisive match in the competition, he added.

Saturday 18 September 2021

AAUA NUCJ Appoints New Excos

Roland Bayode 

The Nigeria Union of Campus Journalists in Adekunle Ajasin Akungba Akoko, Ondo State Chapter has appointed a new set of executives to further oversee the activities of their Press association. 

The appointment of the new executives was announced on the 18th of September 2021 after the immediate administration officially drop their pen in service. 
The names of the new executives with their position is as follows; Oluwatosin Ologun was appointed as the new President, Philip Anjorin as VP Editorial, Iyanuoluwa Adaramola as VP Admin, Deborah Omoare as Gen Sec, Deborah Fapohunda for PRO, Oyinkansola Ogunkande as the Financial Secretary, Clarion Olusegun, Friday Omosola and Roland Bayode also made it to the list of the new executives.

The Former President of the Association, Solomon Adekola while addressing NUCJ members congratulated the newly inaugurated team and gave an emphasis on the need for them to accept new innovations and ideas from everyone to achieve their utmost goal. 

He added that his tenure was able to achieve most but not all their agenda and hope that the new administration will fire-on from where they stopped. 

The immediate past Editor of Echo Media, Tolulowalope Adebayo in a training session  gave a training on Ethics of Journalism and sound a vital warning on the need for journalists to fact-check their story before they publish it out to the entire public.

"The need to balance every story as a reporter is so essential and ethical in journalism."

The pen ace also noted that journalist should be accurate while dishing out their information so as to avoid being sentimental and partisan while reporting their stories. 

"A good journalist must be able to separate fact from opinions because opinions are different from facts and the two should not be mixed together."

She emphasized that they must ensure authenticity of any information given to them so as not to mislead their audience. 

"People have trusted you as a journalist, even when you get an information from anywhere, you should confirm first before rebroadcasting it out. So, your stories must be well checked, accurate and factual."

She added that it is very imperative for them as the watchdog to ask necessary and intelligent questions whenever the need arises. 

Toluwalope affirmed that the gentlemen of the press have the right to publish any stories that will affect the publics interest on concept like economic, security and people's lifestyle. 

While she cited silent point on the need for journalist to dress decenctly, she also added that sources of information during interviews are so crucial to every story.

"You should have a good source for your interviews and also respect people's privacy. 

"Journalists should dress well to conform to their profession. Don't oppress people with your outfits." 

Immediate Sparkle Media Editor, Olubodun Samson warned on Press responsibily and reminded the new executives to always practice journalism with all their senses working.

"Journalism is sweet, but you need to be careful. The kind of publications that comes out from NUCJ must be confirmed stories." 

Olubodun also noted that people have always assumed NUCJ is all about Mass Communication students which he believed that the narrative have to change now. 

"In the next three years, we might not have Mass Communication department anymore, so train more people even outside mass communication to keep everything going." 

Former Echo Media News Editor, Philip Anjorin revealed Journalism in Nigeria and the world generally has gone beyond being a reporter.

He also shared his SIWES experience with the members and examined how it has shaped his skills and journalism career. 

He said, "I love writing majorly but I exposed myself into other fields. Premium Times gave me an experience to understand what the madhouse is. 

"Apart from the fact that you need to build your network, you have to move with people who can give you what you need when the time arises."

Friday 17 September 2021

AAUA Luminaries Holds UNN Lions to a Draw at Home

Abraham Isaac 

The long anticipated football match between Luminaries of Adekunle Ajasin University, Akungba Akoko and the Lions of University of Nigeria, Nsukka ended in a 1 all draw.

UNN Lions and AAUA Luminaries defeated UNIBEN Royals and UNILAG marines respectively to book their place as semi-finalists.

The Higher Institution Football League Semi-final 1st leg was held at the UNN Sports complex, Nsukka, Enugu state. 

The return leg is expected to be played at AAUA sports complex, Akungba-Akoko come next week Wednesday, 22nd September. 

Akinlosotu Ayomide put AAUA Luminaries in front 11 minutes into the game, but UNN Lions equalized through Chinegwu Obinna 11 minutes later. 

Prior the game, UNN Lion and AAUA Luminaries coaches, Chijioke Ike and Abuo Joseph,  assured fans of winning the 1st leg. 

UNN Lions' Onukafor Destiny was awarded with  the man of the match award. 

 This is the first HIFL semifinals for both university football teams, since its maiden edition.

AAUA Luminaries Holds UNN Lions to a Draw at Home

Abraham Isaac 

The long anticipated football match between Luminaries of Adekunle Ajasin University, Akungba Akoko and the Lions of University of Nigeria, Nsukka ended in a 1 all draw.

UNN Lions and AAUA Luminaries defeated UNIBEN Royals and UNILAG marines respectively to book their place as semi-finalists.

The Higher Institution Football League Semi-final 1st leg was held at the UNN Sports complex, Nsukka, Enugu state. 

The return leg is expected to be played at AAUA sports complex, Akungba-Akoko come next week Wednesday, 22nd September. 

Akinlosotu Ayomide put AAUA Luminaries in front 11 minutes into the game, but UNN Lions equalized through Chinegwu Obinna 11 minutes later. 

Prior the game, UNN Lion and AAUA Luminaries coaches, Chijioke Ike and Abuo Joseph,  assured fans of winning the 1st leg. 

UNN Lions' Onukafor Destiny was awarded with  the man of the match award. 

 This is the first HIFL semifinals for both university football teams, since its maiden edition.

Tuesday 14 September 2021

Echo Fact-Checkers


Can AAUA Win The Next Game?


My Last Ride as a Female Editor in AAUA- Toluwalope Adebayo

The common assertion of what a man can do, a woman can do better has been rightly proven by the immediate past Echo Media female Editor-in-Chief, Toluwalope Adebayo. 

In this exclusive interview, Echo Media Reporter; Emmanuel Oluwadola hosted the boss, the second female Editor-in-Chief of Echo media in history, Tolulope Adebayo as she narrates the untold adventure of what it is for her as a lady to hold the position of campus editor in chief. 

Kindly give a brief introduction of yourself?

Toluwalope Adebayo is my name, graduating student of Mass Communication, Adekunle Ajasin University, immediate Editor-in-Chief of Echo Media. A journalist by profession, an entrepreneur, a lover of growth generally, and a lover of God.

As the second female Editor-in-Chief of Echo Media, tell us about your experience.

It was a beautiful one for me. First of all, coming out of your comfort zone to lead people, is not an easy thing, knowing that people's growth is dependent on you. Training yourself because you obviously cannot give what you do not have.

It came with its challenges but knowing that what you are putting out there can change the world and influence people's perception of things. Doing research and being up to date with information, I must say it was a beautiful experience.

 What were the challenges you faced as a female campus editor?

The major challenge is getting people to work. My kind of personality is that, I do not know how to persuade people to work, so basically to get people doing assignments, deliver and give the value they want is quite challenging. But I am glad I was able to overcome it because I had a system that was ready to work for me and the media outfit. 

 What motivates you whenever you feel discouraged?

When a story breaks or while something important happens, no matter how discouraged you are, you would know people are expecting the story gets posted or published. So, the fact that people have expectations of me as an editor is one of the biggest motivations. Also, knowing that whatsoever I am doing is helping me become a better version of myself is another motivation.

How were you able to strike a balance between the editorial works and your academics on campus?

Coming up with a plan for the day and knowing which story is important at a time helped me. Some stories might not have to be edited immediately after you received them, so I set my priorities right.

I did not allow any of it suffered, I placed priority on my education because I am in school for my academics, but at the same time, I did not treat the editorial work with levity. When it comes to breaking news, I quickly published them when I am not in class, cutting distractions and trying to avoid procrastination.

Who do you consider as your role model in campus Journalism?

My immediate Supervising Editor of Echo Media, Adesola Ikulajolu, is one person I considered a role model in campus Journalism. He is someone I know who does what he says. He is worth the talk. That is the one person I can star as a role model.

 Being your first time as an editor, what are the opportunities that were opened to you?

Being an Editor-in-Chief of Echo Media came with people's recognition and it came with some opportunities in the industry as well. It brings me closer to several people I probably would not have built a relationship with if I was not the editor.

 What is your advice to the Campus Reporters and Editors? 

Upcoming editors and reporters should know the reason they are into campus Journalism. This will keep motivating them whenever they are discouraged along the way. 

"The need for consistency is a paramount tool in achieving success, not only for a journalist but to every serious individual that aims for the gold." Be consistent at what you do, there are times you get tired or make mistakes, that is not the end of it, keep moving. Follow trends on campus Journalism, try as much as possible to utilize every single opportunity surrounding you. 

Editors should be open to learning, they should also have a mastery of the English Language. 
"Your reporters can afford to make mistakes, but as an editor, most likely you are expected to see it all and clear possibly every mistake." Read and read, have good leadership skills, and make sure you carry people along with what you do.

Beyond every doubt, this firebrand journalist has set an unforgettable imprint for herself, family, school, and majorly, it serves as a clear message to the female folks that their life is beyond the kitchen and if anything at all should change, the mentality that females are sex objects should be completely erased. 


AAUA VC Bags Pillar of Education Award


The Vice Chancellor of Adekunle Ajasin University, Akungba Akoko, Prof. Olugbenga Ige, has won an award of Ondo State Pillar of Education for the Year 2020.

Prof. Ige was honoured the award alongside other prominent personalities at the annual Ondo State Outstanding Leadership Award Platform courtesy of The Hero Magazine International held on September 12, 2021, at the Dome International Event Centre, Akure.
Speaking at the event, the Convener and Publisher of The Hero Magazine, Dr. Sunday Akinbiola congratulated all awardees affirmed they were found worthy having listingding themselves in their respective field of careers.

“All our awardees for this 14th edition of the award event were meritoriously selected. They are individuals who have made and are still making a positive impact on their immediate and extended environments. And with this honour done on them, they have become ambassadors of Ondo State.”

Reacting to the award after he was decorated by the Deputy Governor of Ondo state, Hon. Lucky Aiyedatiwa, Prof. Ige appreciated the organizers for recognizing his unrelenting efforts in the advancement of education to the state and other states across the country.

The VC ascertained that he would continue to lead AAUA in the right path by setting the pace for others.

Sunday 5 September 2021


Some members of the newly inaugurated editorial board.

Editorial members charged on professionalism

Friday Omosola

Members of the newly appointed editorial board of  Echo Media, Adekunle Ajasin University, have been urged to uphold the principle of accuracy in the practice of campus journalism.

This call was made today by the immediate past members of the editorial board during an handing-over ceremony held at the Mass Communication Relaxation Centre (MRC).

Speaking at the event, the Immediate Past Supervising-Editor, Adesola Ikulajolu encouraged the members to keep writing, noting the importance of fact-checking any story before publication.

Ikulajolu expressed optimism that the new editorial board will take the media outfit higher, break records and set new ones.

In the same vein, the Immediate Past Editor-in-Chief, Toluwalope Adebayo, appreciated every member of the media outfit for their support towards the success of her administration.

"I must say it was an amazing journey serving the Editor-in-Chief of Echo Media in the past one year. As I look back on our editorial activities, I can proudly say that the newly dissolved editorial board has enjoyed the support of everyone, most especially the support of the following people: the Founder of Echo Media, Mr. Godwin Akinbo; Immediate Past Supervising-Editor, Adesola Ikulajolu; NUCJ President, Solomon Adekola; Echo Media's stakeholders".

She further commended the efforts of reporters who were consistent in reporting and writing journalistic contents.

She said, "Many thanks to reporters who consistently submitted stories for publication and dared to work on major stories. One of my major goals upon appointment was to post frequently on our blog. I am glad to state that we have posted over 100 stories on the blog since last year. However, I am sure this will increase with the appointment of the new editorial board members."

The members of the inaugurated editorial board are: Roland Bayode as the Editor-in-Chief, Dorcas Aluko as the Associate Editor, Glorious Emoruwa as the General Secretary, Clarion Olusegun as the Treasurer, Philip Anjorin as the News Editor.

Other members are: Features Editor, Alabi Oreoluwa; Political Editor, Friday Omosola; Health Editor,  Boluwatife Adedokun;  Business Editor, Agboola Omodolapo; Entertainment Editor, Emmanuel Peters; Sports Editor/ Graphic Designer, Abraham Isaac; Assistant General Secretary, Emmanuel Oluwadola.

Speaking on behalf of the editorial board, the General Secretary, Glorious Emoruwa appreciated the outgoing members, while assuring them of the continuous performance of the member in the practice of campus journalism.


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